
Friday, August 23, 2013

san diego

July sparkled with celebratory trips to the cabin, fireworks, giggles, adventures to the vast city of San Diego, and much more. My mom and I took a wonderful little trip down to that good ol' city in California and had numerous adventures and experiences. 

july 2013

^^love her^^

^^first class!^^

^^the little things^^



^^constantly changing^^

^^pure beauty^^

^^lovin' life^^

^^good morning^^

^^sailing on the ocean blue^^


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

To New Beginnings

Well hello there!
It's been quite a while, and unfortunately I forgot about my little blog. But I am back!
Not much has changed since my last post, although a few minor details have. My lovely friend and I ended things after prom. My heart was broken, but mended just a wee bit as we continued to be friends. All in all it sucks to lose such a kind and wonderful guy, but new bigginings await me. I can feel it. Life continues to truck on, even if my heart aches a little here and there. I must admit, I feel a little awkward and I forgot how to talk to boys after it had been so long and comfortable with just one. I enjoy this quote:
"How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard"
Enough about this subject... I have begun my college search, and I feel an immense amount of stress and I am overwhelmed to the max. I think I may have waited just the right amount of time for it to be too late, and now I have to search like crazy. It's unbelievable thinking about my future and a lot of what I decide now, will affect me for a lot of my life. Here's to new beginnings. I essentially get a fresh start. My life gets to take a whole new direction, and I love that I don't get to decide where it goes. (despite the fact I have to choose where I should get an education..) I love change. I strive for change. And my life is about to take turn for the better.
But, until June of next summer, I am still only in high school. And I am going to soak up every last drop of childhood I can. My friends are becoming closer, and this summer has been an endless amount of fun.