
Friday, January 20, 2012


As a result of only being a sophomore in high school.... I "get" to take finals... and still have plenty more of them in my future. BUT, as of today at 2:41, I am done with semester 1 finals of my sophomore year! Yippee!

I have been struggling to keep up with the studying/homework/papers/readings I have had to complete in the last two weeks (thank you teachers for cramming ALL you can into the last few weeks remaning of the semester) and have neglected this blog. I have to admit, I was easily tempted to make a new post each day (which I probably could have...) but decided it would be worth it to get an A on my finals AND have a 'well thought out' post. I am extremely relieved I get to enjoy a THREE DAY WEEKEND (!!!!) without homework and I can get distracted all I want and not have the thought of school lingering in the back of my mind.

As I have mentioned before... please please pelase please please read The Hunger Games (whomever you may be...)! They are outstanding and thrilling.

Another suggestion: Billie Holiday radio station on Pandora. I have a new obsession of this type of music and am utterly willing to rewind time and live in that era... When I turn on the radio in the car and hear some (not all..) trashy songs, my heart sinks a little, realizing how much music has changed. So out of pity of my generation (and obsession) I turn on Billie Holiday and dance around my house with a smile on my face.


Remember to smile!


p.s. look at THIS stud of mine.


Sunday, January 8, 2012

I miss....

I miss the feel of the warm glowing sun, persistently shining on my already tanned skin.

I miss the sounds of the lawnmowers running, cutting the freshly grown, brilliantly green grass.

I miss the giggles of kids running through the sprinklers in their colorful swim suits.

I dearly miss Summer.

This 40 degree January days are not helping with the 'spring fever' rising up in me, extremely ready to burst.