
Monday, October 29, 2012

1/4 done

I can't believe it. My junior year of high school is 1/4 done. I'm starting to realize how utterly close I am getting to graduating. I don't want to leave this place. I don't want to have to say goodbye to all the people I love, and say "see you at Thanksgiving" not tomorrow morning like it has been for the past 12 years. It terrifies me to think I will potentially be spending a year in a foreign country, not able to see the familiar faces I love ever so much. Despite my anxiety, I am excited. This is a new path I will endure and will be an extreme change. I'm not ready yet, but I hope in a year and 3/4 I will be.
On a lighter note, this first 1/4 of high school has been incredible. My best friend turned 17, cross country was one of the best seasons yet, school is moving quite quickly. Everything seems to be going at an extreme pace, but it has been lovely.

I love my life right now. Everything is looking up and I am so extremely thankful.
Smile, today is a good day.